Just a Thought… 3 October

“Old fashioned, out of date” is the way the world views so much from the past. Yet when it comes to the way God does things,  we’ve seen so many times in the past that history really is His-Story. The fulfilment of His promises! As we’ve seen so many times before,  the Lord always keeps His promises.

We saw last Sunday morning Moses’,  from Numbers Chapter 21, obedience to the Lord in raising up a bronze snake onto a pole so that the LORD’s rebellious people could look and be saved. It was a real experience of God’s deliverance but in so many ways it was a model of the LORD’s means of rescue in raising up a much more vital Saviour in the Lord Jesus:

“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” (John 3:14,15)

We see such pictures all over the Bible. Indeed we were reminded on Sunday evening from Psalm 22 that the crucified Messiah would be not just be raised from death but build His church as the message of his rescue and love is told to the world!

The point is that we must live in the light both of what God says and of what He does as a result, in our lives, in our world and in history.

He promises one day that the risen glorified Lord Jesus will return. We can be certain that will happen! In the meantime, we are called to live lives of faith, trusting what He has said, knowing He will do it. So Peter asked in 2 Peter 3:12  “What kind of people ought we to be?”….

Spencer Shaw