Just a thought… 5 Oct

The Lord Jesus told His disciples in Matthew ch 9vs 37 & 38 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

On Sunday morning we saw from Acts ch 8 that Philip became the answer to his own prayer as he shared the Gospel with someone who didn’t know it.

The fact is that whether or not we are ‘gifted’ to do so, all Christians have the good news of the Lord Jesus and are commanded by the great commission to make other disciples. From one perspective it feels like an impossible ask: many of us are timid, nervous and uncertain. Yet, the Lord never asks us to do things He doesn’t equip us for: all disciples of the Lord Jesus hear His Word and want to obey it. All disciples of the Lord Jesus learn to depend on Him as we speak to Him in prayer and see answers to those prayers. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, He changes our hearts to be more like Him. Making disciples is the profound and yet simple task of teaching others to do the same. It’s the most important news we can ever share and what the world needs more than anything else!

The world finds that agenda threatening, but being a disciple of the Lord Jesus means being like Him – and He is lovely! Yet maybe it’s the knowledge that disciples of the Lord Jesus seek to trust and obey Him. The sad and breaking nature of sin is to reject Him whom all men need.

So let’s pray that prayer of Matt 9:38 – and be ready to be the answer to our prayers!

Spencer Shaw