Just a Thought… 31 January

The Gospel of Grace makes us free, but it’s important that we understand what is meant by ‘free’.

Our culture understands freedom as chaos. It’s neatly captured in the film ‘Frozen’ in which one of the heroines sings the “let it go song”:

“It’s time to see what I can do

To test the limits and break through!

No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I’m free!

Let it go! Let it go!… etc..”

She’s captured the modern secular Western mindset perfectly: Autonomy. Authenticity. Individuality. “Freedom”. Yet we know that freedom isn’t simply the choice to do whatever we want! Actually that’s oppressive, scary and endlessly disappointing! We end up imprisoned in the labyrinth of our constantly shifting desires, wondering whether we could have made better choices!

The true freedom we’re given in the Gospel is completely different and truly liberating: as we saw on Sunday morning, the certainty of forgiveness from God through faith in the Lord Jesus makes us free to fulfil God’s Law by loving people like Jesus did:

“ You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself.”” (Gal 5:13,14)

The idea that freedom is to be ‘used’ in this way may sound like a contradiction, but actually it’s truly liberating because in the Gospel we’re free to behave increasingly like our Saviour.

The natural sinful desires within us are inclined to rebellion against God and pull in the opposite direction – but God the Holy Spirit is with us to help.

Which prompts us to ask: “How can I use my freedom in Christ this week?”!

Spencer Shaw