Just a Thought… 21 February

“Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the decision to act even when you are afraid!”

Yet going ahead with a plan when there are good reasons to be afraid, might be courageous, but could also be foolish! Surely the circumstances matter beyond simply how you feel – especially when there may be good reasons to fear!

Last Sunday morning, in a break from our studies in the New Testament letter to the Galatians, we were reminded of the LORD’s Old Testament people after they left slavery in Egypt and were on the edge of the Promise Land in the Old Testament book of Numbers chapters 13 & 14.

The twelve men they sent to spy out the land could see for themselves the LORD had led them to a land ‘flowing with milk and honey’ (vs27) – indeed, it took two of them to carry a cluster of grapes back to the camp (vs23)! Yet the size of the opposition led most of them to conclude that their fear should drive their behaviour and left no room for courage.

Nevertheless, two of the spies took their eyes off the opposition and with eyes of faith believed they should trust the LORD.

In the account that follows, there are very many occasions when Joshua, one of those spies, was encouraged and even ordered to…

“…be strong and courageous.” (Deut 31:6, etc…!)

That courage wasn’t simply ‘wishful thinking’ that the opposition wasn’t strong, but a clear faith that the LORD is stronger.

As we open God’s Word and seek to live as He says, our courage is not to be empty emotion but focused on the Lord Jesus who has died for us, conquered death, lives for ever and will one day return in triumph. He is stronger!

Spencer Shaw