Just a Thought… 18 April

The lighter mornings and longer days have certainly been a welcome change these last few weeks! Going to and from work or school in the dark is never a pleasant experience. We love to see clearly, it’s much safer doing that because we can make a fuller assessment of what’s going on and where the danger lies.

Last Sunday morning we were reminded from John Chapter 9 of a man who had never seen anything, whom Jesus healed:

One moment he was struggling with blindness he was born with, the next he could see for the very first time! Imagine the shock and excitement, the surprise and change of his entire understanding of the world: yet what completed it was his ability to see the Lord Jesus and in doing so believe in Him as Saviour and Lord.

Yet his clear perception stood in contrast to that of the religious elite who could see the work of God with their own eyes but refused to believe what was so obvious. Though seeing, they ignored the danger and missed the Saviour!

We can’t physically see the Lord Jesus now because we’re 2000 years too late! If only we are willing, we can understand and believe the truth of His Word in the Bible and with open eyes we can clearly see what He’s doing in people’s lives and in History!

The simple question is whether or not we are willing to believe!

Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. (John 9:41)

Let’s make sure our eyes are open and let’s keep our hearts open to believe the Lord Jesus and what He’s doing now!

Spencer Shaw