Just a Thought… 13 February

It’s really unhealthy to go through life looking back with regrets for ‘what might have been’.

Regrets never change facts, and especially for those who have faith in the Lord Jesus and what He has done to save us, we need to remember BOTH that He is sovereign over all our days, fulfilling the purpose in our lives and that here and now is not all that there is! Because of Jesus’ Saving work on the cross for us and resurrection from the dead, faith in Him means that 1000000+ years from now we’ll still be delighting in glory! We’re currently living in what CS Lewis called the ‘shadowlands’!

Yet none of that means that we don’t have important things to remember. As we saw from Deut ch 8 on Sunday morning Moses warned God’s Old Testament people that when they entered the wonderful promised land they must remember that the hardship they endured taught them to rely on the LORD:

“….to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (Deut 8:3)

Our culture constantly reminds of the need to be self-sufficient. From one perspective that’s a right attitude: we do all need to take responsibility for ourselves and our decisions. Yet our sinful hearts all too easily develop an arrogant independence which denies our need for God. In a broken world we must always bear in mind that the limits to our self-sufficiency should lead us to remember amazing grace and the truth of God’s-sufficiency!

The real question with all of this is whether or not we are willing to learn?!

This week, lets pray for grace to gladly depend on the LORD and take His Word seriously!

Spencer Shaw