Just a thought… 14 Sept

The idea that the God of the universe should be interested in the political movements and decisions of empires and countries is a big enough one for us to try and grasp. Yet the fact of His interest in the hearts of individuals like us to bring about His plans is truly humbling – and that’s what we saw from Ezra Ch 1 last Sunday morning.

Over 2500 years ago the LORD moved the heart of the Persian King Cyrus so that His people could start to come back into a relationship with Him – just as He had promised hundreds of years before.  Yet it was as His people heard, believed and obeyed His Word that real change began.

It’s still true today: certainly God is bringing His sovereign plan for the world to work-out, yet He is doing that on a global and personal scale as individuals put their faith in the Lord Jesus and put His Word in the Bible into practice in their lives.

All of us should ask: “When was the last time I took the Bible seriously? When was the last time I set what God wants rather than what I want as the priority?”.

Let’s pay attention to doing that! As we daily read the Bible we will find ourselves on the right side of His-story: living life eagerly anticipating His plans being fulfilled for both us and for the world.

Spencer Shaw